
The City of Frostburg provides Water, Sewer, and Garbage services for most properties within the City Limits. 

- Most residential customers are billed on a quarterly basis.
- Water and sewer are based on the metered water consumption. Billing rates vary for these two services.
- Fixed surcharges including the Water Surcharge, CSO Surcharge, and Bay Restoration Fee are billed regardless of water consumption.
- Garbage is billed for residential customers regardless of occupancy status. Multi-unit residential properties exceeding four units and commercial customers are not eligible for City garbage service. 
- Please refer to Budget & Fee Schedules and see current fee schedule for applicable billing rates for each service.


Customers may enroll to receive their utility bill by email rather than paper billing. Email cityhall@frostburgcity.org from the desired email address to enroll in e-billing. Please provide your utility account number and property address in your request. E-billing will continue until notification is received to discontinue the enrollment. The e-bill email notifications will be sent from the email address of no-reply@frostburgcity.org, please add it to your email contacts to reduce the chance of the bill going to the spam/junk folder. Up to four emails can receive e-bills per utility account. If multiple properties/accounts, each utility bill will be received as a separate email.

Authorization for Auto-Pay ACH of Utilities

Customers may enroll to have their utility balance deducted automatically from a checking or savings account on the due date. This is a free service and customers will continue to receive their utility bills by mail or email.  To enroll, please complete the Authorization for Auto-Pay ACH form and return it to the Municipal Center.  Enrollment will continue until written notification is received to discontinue the enrollment.


For information on the trash pickup schedule, yard waste, bulk pickup, and water quality reports, please refer to Public Works.