Winter Weather

The Street Department cleans the snow and ice from the streets and alleys during the winter months. The Street Department applies an average of 1,200 tons of salt per year and 1,500 tons of anti-skid (small chips of stone) to the City’s streets during these snow and ice weather events.


Property Owner Responsibilities for Snow & Ice Removal

City Code, Article 4, Section 4-2 requires that property owners clear snow and ice accumulations greater than 6" from public sidewalks located on their property frontage within 24 hours of snowfall. The path must be a minimum of two (2) feet in width and allow for unobstructed passage.  This section of City Code also requires that property owners treat sidewalks for ice or freezing rain with 24 hours of a winter weather event by treating the sidewalk(s) on their property frontage with salt, sand, or a similar abrasive.


Fire Hydrants in the Snow

Fire trucks carry a limited amount of water, so one of the first tasks upon arriving at the scene of a fire is to locate a water supply from the nearest hydrant. Hydrants covered in snow can be difficult to locate, and uncovering them can waste valuable time needed during the fire. Please do your part to keep Frostburg safe in inclement weather by digging out a three-foot radius around fire hydrants near your property.


Winter Parking Restrictions

Beginning December 1 of each year and ending the following March 31, certain City streets prohibit on-street parking between the hours of 2:00 AM and 6:00 AM. This gives City snow plows a clear path on the streets for snow clearance and salt treatments.  A list of the streets included in the parking restriction is available at the Frostburg Police Department. 


Residents may report problems or concerns to the Public Works Assistant at 301-689-6000, ext. 111, during regular business hours (M-F, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM). To report hazardous situations after hours, weekends, or holidays, please call the Frostburg Police Department at 301-689-3000.